Friday 15 April 2011

The Little Joy In My House ♥^_^♥

Dok dok dok!!!
Open the door..I want to come in... 
We would say.."Adui~~~For what again???!!!"
Then.."I wan to play with ur phone..I want to take picture.."

Smart..Handsome..Adorable...Most importantly...NAUGHTY!!
That's what anyone would say when they saw him.
Some even call him Hyperactive_xD
As u can see, tis little boy, really cant sit quietly  for even 5seconds.

Although his attitude is kind of <abnormal>..
But, he's really talented^^!!
He's good at basketball, dancing, lyingXD, acting..
And SINGING(Best)~!!
He love U-Know osoxD♥

The moment his little thumb goes in his mouth..
Or when he's sleeping...
Thats the time when our house will be quiet..XD

Oh, and he love story telling^^